Supervisory authorities
Phosphor Asset Management SA is authorised by FINMA as Asset manager pursuant to art. 2 cpv. 1 lett. a and to art. 5 cpv. 1 of the Federal Act on Financial Institutions (FinIA). The company is also subject to a Supervisory Body (OV), under art. 61 FinIA in particular AOOS:
AOOS – Swiss limited liability company
Via Landriani 2A
6900 Lugano
Telephone number: 0041 91 940 4000
The AOOS supervisory body carries out its checks on Phosphor through an Auditor who complies with the legal requirements.
Phosphor is also a member of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers (ASG).
Rue de Chantepoulet 12
1201 Geneva
Telephone number: 0041 22 347 62 40
Internal control bodies
As required by Article 9 of the FinIA, the company is equipped with an internal Compliance and Risk Management body so that it can identify, measure, manage and monitor its risks while fulfilling legal obligations.
External mediation body
As required by Article 74 of the FinSA (Federal Law on Financial Services), Phosphor is affiliated with the following mediation body:
OFS – Ombud Swiss Finance
16 Boulevard des Tranchées
1206 Ginevra, Svizzera
recognized by the FDF (Federal Department of Finance). The Client can, therefore, in the event of a dispute with Phosphor, initiate a mediation procedure before the relevant body. The latter will deal with resolving the dispute in a non-bureaucratic, fair, rapid, impartial, and confidential manner at little or no cost.
Management software
Phosphor displays Client’s positions through e-banking provided by custodian banks and specifically designed for external managers. The Client has the option of viewing his investment portfolio and the company’s operations via e-banking or by receiving a periodic balance sheet report directly from Phosphor in the forms requested by him.
In addition to this, to make operations and controls more efficient, Phosphor has equipped itself with a management software that allows to:
● interface with the Bank’s data on a daily basis and display the Clients positions;
● make daily checks to ensure observance of the Mandate Agreement, in other words the control of the operating limits decided by and with the Client;
● check that the transactions through the banks are correctly recorded;
● verify that the bank commissions are correctly debited;
● check the incoming and outgoing transactions and advise the Client;
● periodically check performance and ascertain that this is in line with the risk information provided by the Client;
● prepare consolidated positions for Clients who have accounts in several Custodian Banks, in order to have a clear and complete picture of the overall risk of the Client;
● immediately analyze any undesired deviations, intervening quickly and dynamically if necessary or in the event of situations that require speed and flexibility.
● compliance and risk management checks.